Fall 2016 and winter 201/17

The fall season started at bouy 10 in August again this year in hopes it would have turned out to be another banner season. There were a couple good days,but with no fence or temp barrier, it made the fishing on the tough side.

bouy 10 fall king

bouy 10 fall king


I moved on upriver late in the month where i found a better bite over all,

Columbia River URB

Columbia River URB

I stayed there for the month of Sept before moving back down to the coast at Tillamook Bay where i finished up late in the month with what I would say was a average season down there.

Tillamook Bay Fall Chinook

Tillamook Bay Fall Chinook

Tillamook Bay Fall Chinook

Tillamook Bay Fall Chinook


Calm winds and somewhat decent weather had me go check out the gorge where i ended up getting people into walleye in big numbers. 14915170_1181851238549015_2224550609414125311_n

Columbia River Walleye

Columbia River Walleye

Columbia River Walleye

Columbia River Walleye

Now we are into December and into winter mode. I will be targeting sturgeon,steelhead,walleye and when the ocean allows bottomfish. Thank you to ALL who fished with me in 2016

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